ZUGNO, Francesco - b. 1709 Venezia, d. 1787 Venezia - WGA

ZUGNO, Francesco

(b. 1709 Venezia, d. 1787 Venezia)

Italian painter. He came from an ancient Venetian family whose members included artists from the fifteenth century. He trained at the Academy of Painting and Sculpture of Venice, then entered in the workshop of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo around 1730.

As a pupil of Tiepolo he collaborated with him on the frescoes for the Palazzo Labia. He received his first commission for paintings for the convent church of San Lazzaro degli Armeni in Venice. He painted a series of wall frescoes of figures in quadratura balconies. In his work he was strongly influenced by Tiepolo’s style.

Abraham with the Three Angels
Abraham with the Three Angels by

Abraham with the Three Angels

This painting has a pendant entitled The Sleeping Rinaldo Crowned with Flowers by Armida.

The Sleeping Rinaldo Crowned with Flowers by Armida
The Sleeping Rinaldo Crowned with Flowers by Armida by

The Sleeping Rinaldo Crowned with Flowers by Armida

The subject was inspired by the 16th-century epic poem ‘Gerusalemme Liberata’ (Jerusalem Delivered) by Torquato Tasso (1544-1595). Rinaldo and Armida are a pair of lovers in the poem which is an idealized account of the first Crusade which ended with the capture of Jerusalem in 1099 and the establishment of a Christian kingdom.

The painting, formerly entitled ‘Sleeping Mars’, was designed after Giovanni Battista Tiepolo who painted several versions of the subject. It has a pendant depicting Abraham with the three Angels.

Suggested listening (streaming mp3, 8 minutes):

George Frideric Handel: Two arias, Rinaldo, Acts II and III

Virgin and Child with Saints
Virgin and Child with Saints by

Virgin and Child with Saints

Francesco Zugno was a pupil of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. The altarpiece Virgin and Child with Saints, which now decorates a small room in the Ca’ Rezzonico, is an early work showing the strong influence of his master.
